The Shack-Story of Heartache To Healing
How Will Your Life Look in 2009?
Now that we’ve gotten through the holidays we are probably contemplating how will our life look in 2009?
As with most people January is a time for goal setting and planning for the coming year, well I believe if you are experiencing some sort of loss transition you too are wondering what the new year will bring. I believe finding hope, inspiration and the will to move forward in order to set those goals requires you to make the decision that you can and desire to move forward. Living on purpose really is about deciding to find purpose in your… Continue reading
Merry Christmas!
As I sit with my morning coffee and look outside on the blanket of glistening snow I recite all that I am grateful for this Christmas morning. At the same time I remembered all the Christmas mornings with my husband and Mom who are no longer here, but I choose to find and feel the joy in today. Soon all the family that will gather for a wonderful dinner and we celebrate that we are here, together in this moment in time. I think there is nothing better than sharing a meal with those you love.
This morning I received… Continue reading
Are You Open To Receive?
Today I was thinking about how being open to receive relates to those going through any type of transition, I usually talk about loss as it relates to death but today I am thinking of anyone going through transitions. Being open to receive means putting yourself – your mental state in a place to receive love again, to receive kindness from others, to be able to simply say thank you when some gives you something. The act of being open to receive will open you heart to healing.
My thought for today….yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to be.… Continue reading
Feelings of Loss and Isolation
I spoke with a dear friend this past weekend who lost her husband 11 months ago, she was feeling sad and alone, steps we all go through as we walk the journey of loss. We as women go through stages of fear relating to finances, keeping our household together, loneliness, relationships old and new, our children’s well being and a myriad of other emotions that bring us fear.
As my friend related, someday’s all you can do is sit and cry and you know, that’s OK. Crying is a way of letting go and really we need to let go… Continue reading