Coping With Significant Dates

Following the death of your loved one you will face the significant days that will make you remember  your loved one who is now gone.  On those days your emotions may be more fragile as you reflect on a life that is gone by.

Today would have been my husband Allan’s 60th birthday and I have been thinking about him all day today and remembering how much he enjoyed parties.  Yes, that’s what came to mind for me this morning. On his 50th birthday I had a fabulous party, attended by his closest friends, family & business associates – he loved every moment of it.

From time to time I watch the video just to remember the good times we had together.

I don’t cry over these significant dates as much as in previous years but I never will  forget them either.  I have a place in my heart for the significant days that hold meaning for me, and I treasure the memories.  Sometimes I remember by doing something special such making a donation in Allan’s  name to his favorite charity on the anniversary of his death and I do other things that had meaning to us.  I encourage you to do the same as you reach these significant dates of remembrance.  The most important thing you can do is CELEBRATE the life of the person you loved, make it a day of fabulous memories and not another day of mourning.  This is part of the healing process, so give yourself permission to celebrate the life.  I plan to do just that today!


Allan celebrating a birthday

In celebration of Allan’s life I want to give you a gift – you can download for FREE my ebook called “Tips To Survive Anniversaries of A Death”

This book offers tips on ways you can remember your loved one and how to cope with those significant days. 

CLICK HERE:   Tips To Survive Anniversaries

Keep your loved ones momentos handy in a beautiful rosewood memorabilia box. Click here to access our products page.

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