Two important words – “I Decide”

When I talk with people about grief and loss what often comes up are those questions that seem like they have no answers. “Will I ever get over my grief”, “Will I be happy again”, Will I ever stop feeling so sad” and so on.

We are all different and thus our journey through grief is unique to each of us even though there are factors such as your relationship with the deceased that come into play.  We make the decision to grieve or to shove it away, we make the decision to be gentle and kind and allow ourselves to mourn openly and feel sadness.

We also decide to be happy again, to seek a life of joy. We decide to honor the memories of our loved ones lost and to talk about them with fondness. We decide to be grateful for the time shared with someone or we decide to be bitter and angry about the loss.  Yes, even in grief you decide. We can empower ourselves to live life despite our losses and that is what I have decided.

You might want to write down exactly the type of life you want. How your life will benefit those around you.

What will you decide?

  ~ JoAnne Funch


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