Today Is International Widows Day

Today we honor the 2nd annual International Widows Day.  The first International Widows’ Day was observed on 23 June 2011, providing an opportunity to give special recognition to the plight of widows and their children in order to restore their human rights and alleviate poverty through empowerment.

In December 2010, the General Assembly declared 23 June as International Widows’ Day (A/RES/65/189). The General Assembly decided, with effect from 2011, to observe International Widows’ Day on 23 June each year, and called upon Member States, the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, within their respective mandates, to give special attention to the situation of widows and their children.

Invisible Women, Invisible Problems

Once widowed, women in many countries often confront a denial of inheritance and land rights, degrading and life-threatening mourning and burial rites and other forms of widow abuse. Read More

I have read and witnessed through the media the plight of widows all around the world, women who are subject to unthinkable treatment simply because she no longer has a spouse.  In contrast, I have met  many widows and widowers here in America that suffer their own personal injustice – feeling rejected from her spouses family, left in financial disaster, overcome with loneliness and heartbreak because your social net is no longer there and the list goes on and on.

The good news is that there are many wonderful organizations who are making a difference for widowed people worldwide, I have a list on the resource page.  Please get involved!

I am a widow myself and I am also a believer that often with tragedy comes gifts –  those who with their resilience and driving passion find ways to make a difference.   As you will see from the many organizations who reach out to the bereaved many of which are listed on the resource page of this website.

If you are widowed, there are two retreat weekends coming up to offer support;

Camp Widow will be held again Aug 10-12, 2012 in San Diego, CA. A place for a widowed people to find support & knowledge for the journey.  click HERE for details.

Grieving In Plain Sight  will be held August 17-19 in Spokane, WA.   This first of its kind retreat is geared not only for widows but anyone grieving a loss.  There is support for adults & children and the many min-workshops offer knowledge & support for all.  click HERE for details.

If you are newly bereaved, be sure to get some free “Grief Sympathy Cards” you can pass onto people and tell them how they can support you.

click here

How have you been supported as a widowed person?  Please share your comments below and engaging with others we offer help & support to not only endure but to thrive again.  I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below;

love & light – JoAnne

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